Strategy & Education

Sometimes, most times, you need something more than just a web developer. Anyone can build you a website, but you need someone who will dig deeper into your marketing strategy and really align your marketing goals with your digital strategy. We have been working with DMOs to help bridge the gap between online and offline marketing to create more strategic and cohesive marketing strategies. We all know that marketing in silo doesn’t work. Let’s talk more about integrated strategy.

Data Driven Strategy

The world of data available to marketer today is enough to give any sane person a whopping headache. Since marketing was born, marketers have been required to meet goals: the dreaded ROI. In the DMO world, ROI has many more faces that the traditional we spend X and get Y in return, this makes the job of a DMO marketer just a little more complicated. Not to mention nearly every DMO in the country has more tasks than hands available to complete them.

Reporting and data analysis often get lost in the shuffle. We look at the big numbers. Did TOT increase? Did website traffic increase? How many hits did that campaign get? Those are relatively easy to get our hands on, stakeholders understand them and they do give a general idea of whether what you are doing is working. But what are we missing by not spending a little more time digging into the nitty-gritty of the available data.

We are taking data driven marketing strategy (or whatever fancy name you want to call it) to heart. We hope you will turn your data migraine over to our eager hands and let us become an integrated part of your marketing strategy. We take it in and use it to provide recommendations for site structure changes, navigation updates, content creation and usability updates. We even take it one step further and dive into your key products and target markets to help unravel what your visitors are really looking for.

We are weird, we love all things data. Let’s talk more about your marketing goals and how your data can help you achieve them.

Google Analytics Training - An Officially Unofficial DMOs Google Analytics Guide

Events, Goals, Bounce Rate, Engagement, Sessions, Pageviews, Time on Page, Time on Site – What does it all mean???

Through our strategy work with clients we hear a lot of, “I wish I could understand how to use this”, “There just too much to Google Analytics, I can’t figure it out”, “This whole data thing is a real mystery”, “I wish data wasn’t so time consuming, I just don’t have time to work with it”. Many clients have taken a Google Analytics Workshop at a conference, watched a few online videos or even taken an in-person class through a training center but they still do not feel comfortable exploring the data. During our strategy, planning and analysis we dig through years of data and provide a lot of insight and recommendations and while this is an on-going process, there is still a need for the DMO to be able to understand and do their own data analysis.

We are such data FANATICS that we decided we want to start teaching you quick, easy and valuable tools to analyze your data to make better marketing decisions, every day. Unlike a typical course where you are looking at dummy data, we do the entire course with YOUR data. This is by no means a complete and extensive review of all the analytics features. Instead, it is a customized class in the Analytics modules we use every day to help our clients make decisions.

Contact us today to customize a course for your needs!

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